
Making it pretty!

So! As you can probably tell, I'm working on the design of my blog... Again... My first run wasn't successful, it was a bit... Bland? Anyways, it shouldn't take too long to make another, make it good... Dandy... And swell!

Anyways! 9 weeks worth of work was handed in yesterday, I felt like a boss after walking out of those college doors at 5pm after putting the finishing touches to my work. I had it all ready and hit my Thursday target, only thing that set me back was mounting... I'm not good at it, my tutor Dave said he'd help me but understandably he had his own deadline to meet and oddly enough I had a feeling it wouldn't get done. I was told to just mount my work onto foam board and leave it at that... But I couldn't... This feeling inside was saying, "you've gotten THIS far and you're handing in that in the state it is?" So I plucked up the courage and attempted to cut the foam board, making them presentable, I was a bit shaky since the last time I cut foam board I ended up slicing deep into my finger...

The first board went a bit tits up since I lost my gripping, after that though, I focused and flew through them, doing a decent job with them at that, I got it all handed in and I've got to say I tried damn hard and only hope the results pay off, even if they don't then I'll just try harder next time!


  1. Everyone must go through the slicing of the finger stage in order to gain the confidence to join the elite 0.01% of the population that are really good at cutting things out with sharp knives, it's natural selection.

  2. @ Paul: Clearly I haven't made the cut then. *ba-dum-ching*
