
Character Sheets... Not quite done...

These here are my Character sheet's, not quite finished yet, I did these about a week ago now and looking at them with fresh eyes I can see faults, thing is, deadline's drawing near so I don't have time to amend every little flaw which is really annoying, that said I do like how these have turned out, allot of character sheets seem to consist of standard plan backgrounds and nothing more and being able to venture further into what can be done, what works and what doesn't work just makes it more enjoyable to do. I just feel as though my standard of work needs to vastly increase, I don't consider my work good because it can become so much better but for now, this'll have to do, maybes, by some stroke of luck a fella might see this whose in the industry and point me in the right direction! Would be nice. 

1/3: Backstory 

2/3: Elevations and palette 

3/3: Facial expressions and Personal details


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