
If you're going through Hell. Keep Going!

So I'd like to think this is my first post in a long time which signifies that I'm getting my life back on track after my downfall through substance abuse, refresher bars are a terrible addiction which I need to weed myself off of.


I've been thinking, people have short attention spans, people complain and people expect you to explain without thinking for themselves. I was thinking... I might produce occasional videos, not animation related, just video's which explain my current work flow... Not V-log's. The idea has been shunned, told that it's a copy of "Sequalitis" (YouTube it) and that it's too much hassle (you know who you are). That aside, what I received was a generally good response, see, people don't like to read essay after essay...

Unless their that way inclined.

Like me.

Another thing, I know I'm meant to upload frequent work to this decaying mess of a blog but I can't help but feel a bit anxious when doing so, the idea of a small house troll in China checking my blog and stealing my content and flogging it on the flea market is terrifying which is why, for those of you with a keen eye, you'll notice that my uploaded work is always in a mediocre JPEG format, it's not that I think my work's good, I'm just paranoid as hell.

I set out to keep up this blog and its post, I didn't. The course I'm currently studying, Animation (would you believe it) just asks for more than what the average 20 year old asks of, it's a frequent battle with work but the outcome pays off, sure I get bombarded with the usual, "you need to get out more", "you don't have a social life", "you're anti-social" but the truth of the matter is, i'm content, I enjoy working away in my cave of a room, I don't see the point in drinking myself into a coma and let's be honest, you drink to make yourself happy, "drink brings out the real you" is a stupid quote, what it actually does is turn a boring sod, into an interesting one.

This all aside, work is coming along well, my ability to throw out relatively quick tests have been beneficial and by the end of the week, I'm hoping to have at least one scene done, the main crux of the entire module has been based around the development of my character's and plot, I'm quite frankly not going to pursue something unless I'm satisfied... Which is very rarely the case. In any case, here's a rough pencil test I threw together this morning, it gets the basic movement down and once it's inked and captured with the correct lighting, it'll be pretty straight forward to colour... I say that now, nothing's ever that easy.

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