I've really let this blog slip, I've had allot more on my plate than usual and this, THIS BLOG has really taken a hit because of it. I've started on my first scene, the backgrounds are produced for the scenes and the environment is built within a 3D structure so architecture is consistent. Amazing what you can do with technology.
First of all, I drew out a really quick map on Photoshop Microsoft Paint with my foot. |
I then began building the mountains in Cinema 4D,
using the map as a template, extruding and shifting things into place. |
After a weeks worth of work I finally had the scenery ready,
and I think you'll agree, it's a work of art! |
So using really professional handiwork, I zoomed in on a scene I wished to use,
then I took hold of my DSLR camera and took a picture of it,
I then wired the camera in my computer and traced back over the
black and white since the original picture was heavily distorted. In total it took a month. |
I then produced this in Microsoft Paint by
means of importing the previous image in and drawing over it. |
Then I installed a Microsoft Paint plug-in called "Adobe Photoshop"
and added more effects to make the background less in your face,
more subdued and more reminiscent of the old Wile.E Coyote cartoon's. |
The character's have changed too, can you believe that!? I can't, I'm fickle like that... But I'm pleased at how the character's turned out. A few questioned whether or not the line work was digital, it isn't, it's just the work of a 0.5 and a 0.05 fine-liner.
Piper is now an Elephant shrew whose nose deflates when under pressure.
Snorre Hapless now has a bigger nose and his hair formation has changed.
Magnus Gabbro isn't a segmented character, he's more boulder-like, that said, he's also a puppet!
Blob is a character who isn't set in-stone just yet,
if I DO use him, he'll reside in Gabbro's head in a paddling pool using levers to control Gabbro. |
Piper is too dark in colour here so his palette will be lightened.
Hapless has red hair as opposed to black, it was advised to give him coloured pants... I doubt I will.
Gabbro was also advised to be lightened, this said he doesn't work well as a lighter palette.
Blob was laughed at... People like him... Her... It... |
Furthermore, here's my first test animation in regards to scene 1... The first leg movement is a bit flimsy but easily fixed... Which is why I fixed it in test 2... Still not 100% but I think it does the job.
Within the next week, hell, I just want to get my work done. That's all to be honest... I could be elaborate and go, "well gee... I have to write up my progression, get stuff drawn and then animate it and composite it all..." And a note to myself... I need have my CV and Personal Statement done in about 2 weeks... This is really depressing to know...
Finally, I want to give word about a currently under-looked musician, YouTube user, Italented. I don't know the guy but I really like his work, it's different so if you can, wrack up his views, make him feel special.
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