
Fell behind on the Blog lately haven't I?

I've been so caught up in work that I just don't have the chance to update this little Blog of mine... Still not happy with the design... It's kind of just... Fell apart... What a pity... But life's been hectic lately... It's been a headache more than anything.

So other than that, what's been going on? Well we've started group work... Which is either a make or breaker depending on whether or not everyone's committed to it, so far it's been alright, had to do a B Movie project as you may be aware from my last few, pointless post's, that was two weeks long, this being the third week has been quiet, it's made a nice change if anything, I had my presentation earlier this week, what this embodied was work which up until now, I had produced, things like character she- Oh... I still need to put them up don't I? Hmm... I think when I get home this afternoon I'll give this blog some good loving as well as some other work, just really in the mood to work lately, it's lovely.

Ideally I want to get back into the swing of doing daily blog's or almost daily, mainly to try and gather a larger crowd of followers, at the time being, I'm working on producing my animation, "Standing Up for the Little Guy" which needs work to be fully polished, it's no where near the standard I want it at and when it comes down to it, I really want to push myself above and beyond anything which I've previously done. Furthermore, it came up that the thi- Shit, they're not third years anymore, they're fourth... Anyways, some people I know set up an exhibition and what's more made money from it! Now, i'm in shit creek at the moment as far as money goes (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) so I think trying to produce work which is at least half decent is more than ever mandatory, anyways, back to the point, me and my friend, David Denny (check out his work) are thinking about setting up our own exhibition when we can, so what I plan to do is pull out the ol' Marker Box and produce some one-time piece's, sell those, produce digital pieces and sell those in limited quantities i.e. Print 1/50, 2/50... You get the idea. What I want to do is make it so that once the piece's are gone, they're done, finished, you won't be able to buy them again unless I get allot of positive feedback and people saying, "c'mon you tight git! Do another batch!" buuut I'm getting ahead of myself.

I was stumped as to what to do then it came to me, I love, love, LOVE Dragonball Z but I've really distanced myself from the anime/manga culture so I really wouldn't mind "Westernising" the villains... I've been producing rough sketches in my little sketch book and so far the results are getting there, I produced a rough sketch of Frieza!! That's it for now, I'll motivate myself to get on here more often, hope everyone is well!!

I'm not dead!


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