
I'm not the most patient of people...

And lately my work has just taken a massive hit, y'see, with this Ident Animation, I want to have an array of characters so I'm working towards 100 initial idea's but they're dwindling... So I might just have to, iunno, fixate my face to the screen and look up character designs? Something along those lines perhaps but I draw the line when character design stops being character design and starts being lazy and simple, I've covered this a few times, I understand that the contemporary animation industry is booming with seemingly original concepts but are they pushing anything new? Absolutely not, in fact it's all becoming very similar, "vector-esc" and it does nothing for me for the most part since it doesn't fuel the imagination, I look at it, go, "yeah, a 5 minute job" and move on but with some other pieces I look and think, "how the hell did they do that?" It literally blows my mind!!

It's not because I'm bitter towards the contemporary, if I was I wouldn't be going to Pictoplasma but I do genuinely feel that "Artists" are given far more praise than they deserve for something which is relatively standard... The reason this has been an issue to me is because it's made me feel lost that even within the contemporary industry you're limited to what's acceptable and what isn't, gone are the days of real, tedious effort and in it's place are very bare bone concepts with not allot of thought in them, going back to my Yeti Design I did a while back, sure it got some nice feedback from peer's, family and friends but I knew fine well I wouldn't get in, I put a fair bit of effort in but that's not what it's about, it's about simple designs, I saw the winner's and truthfully... It was the same sort of vector-based work i've seen win before, buuut I'd rather not be a sheep and follow the crowd. Anyways, what was I getting too... Oh yeah!

I'm out of idea's and I have no drive to work, I know what has to be done but it's just tedious as all hell... On second thought, I might just work to 50 designs... Grab a handful and develop them... See what happens... This would all be so much easier if I had a bigger table, speaking of which I am getting a bigger working table, the ol' dining room one, I'm so excited!! I'm really easily pleased by the simplest of things, as long as it does the job! I s'pose I've just been down this week and it's starting to pick up eventually, hopefully next week and the weekend for that matter, will be much more pleasant, just need to find some more imagery like this to getting some Idea's going...

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