
What to do, what to do...

If anything these past post's have been ways of procrastination... Mainly to fill space... I'm just thinking about what I need to do... Let's see... I need to back log my Blog so it's consistent and possesses continuity, I have a real OCD about that sort of stuff... Let's see what else? I need to catch up on development work, which is close to being complete and along with that knock research on the head which is only a few pages short of being complete and then just crack on with some line tests and character designs.

Furthermore I need to produce an up-to-date script for the B-Movie as well as an accompanying storyboard, I'm not going to spend age's on it like my last batch. If I have time, I'd like to go back to the B-Movie or produce my own little film and basically just enhance it using After Effect's to gain a better understanding of the program.

Finally, I need to rewrite my "Standing Up For The Little Guy" script since I want things to pan out a bit differently so in turn the storyboards need to be changed and updated... They too will have to be quickly done, as long as you can see what's going on then it should work out pretty well! I also need to develop my character's, mainly Snorre, tweak them a smidge and work on environment and story.

So let's see... On my to do list...

Project A:
- Complete Research for AD202
- Update Development of AD202
- Produce more character line test's

Project B:
- Up-to-Date B-Movie Script
- Up-to-Date B-Movie Storyboards
- Possible tweaks and enhancements to footage

Project C:
- Develop Characters, Story and Setting for "Standing Up For The Little Guy"
- Rewrite script for "Standing Up For The Little Guy"
- Produce Storyboards for "Standing Up For The Little Guy"

Project D:
- Back log Blog
- Enhance Blog

Looks like allot... It really isn't, as I said, the Research is near completion, the development is ongoing and character designs and line tests are more fun than anything, I can produce character's but I can't produce line tests properly until Monday due to my room being refurbished, it's so exciting and as I said before, I'm now aiming for abooout 50 initial character's and see how they develop from there, I'll be reusing character tests and simply recolouring them so I can't make the animation's too intensive, simple and straight forward.

The Script is already written for the B-Movie, "The Page" most of the storyboards are done so it's a case of just adding scenes and considering it didn't take long to begin with, it's not a giant task furthermore with the final product done, I can just overlay and tweak it even more OR using the raw footage, I can start from scratch, I'm drawn towards the latter but i'll only attempt this if the rest of the work is up to date. I looked up this incredible tutorial video for inspiration...

Character Development won't take long, I have in mind what I want to achieve out of the character's so I won't be going severely out my way to achieve better results, not much is changing about the script either, locations are being spaced out and the ending needs work but I really want to get this finalized for hand-in, polished and fully produced. Concept art production is also something which I may pursue if I have the time and finally the storyboards will be easily achievable since I'm not going to extreme lengths to produce high quality work, I want the storyboards to at least be understandable, I have about 90 images to do for the storyboard so I'd rather not push it due to time constraints.

Finally the Blog, fairly straight forward, it's tricky to stay on top of, especially when I have more important things to worry about but I'll try to stay on top of it all. Is that enough writing? Drained? I am...

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