
Anyone Who Isn't Confused Really Doesn't Understand The Situation

Every attempt at publishing a post I've made, I always think, "Nah..." mainly because it's only recently that I've pulled myself out the gutter which is life.
What some may find hard to believe is that I honestly can't wait for the next 8 or so weeks to pass... That's not hard to believe at all... The idea of waking up in the morning and not having that idea of a soon to be deadline looming ever closer is something words alone cannot describe, though I am taking up a third year in education, I don't know where about's I'll end up.

So as with most things in life, there has been change... In regards to my work, more change.
You see I noticed something, what I was producing, wasn't me... It happens. You ever had it when you're aching for an idea and you know what you want, you just don't know how to get it and when you do get it, it's not what you wanted? Something like that. What I narrow it down to, is that it was me trying to "fit in", what I've noticed is that I had tried to follow a style which was appreciated by other people but not me, the course I'm on, although good, does favour more contemporary approaches to design and honestly, that medium of work has and probably never will infatuate me, although simplicity is a saving grace at times, especially in terms of animation, it isn't the be all and end all as many people and even festivals have given the impression of, the contemporary art industry is without a doubt an incredibly bias one and being someone who never took an interest in art but more so on the expression of idea's, then I can honestly say from a grounded perspective that what people consider, "art" I consider a 4-year old drawing, this of course is my own opinion and chances are, someone thinks my drawing's are abysmal, which by all accounts I'd agree, they are, but contemporary "artists" get far more credit then they deserve. I realise I've slipped off topic but as many who know me are aware, the art industry as a whole is one which now, really makes me question whether or not talent and drive are prominent, this of course doesn't apply to everyone, but a majority. Going back to what I was saying, I decided to once again change my idea, each and every module has signified a change and I'm glad to say this is the last but ironically it's the one in which I'm most sound with.

The story this time around is of just Piper and Hapless and even those names are in the air as to whether or not they'll change, Piper isn't an elephant shrew anymore, why? Because people know what a Rat is more so than what an Elephant Shrew is and therefore know what's what. The premise this time around is that Piper is trying to negotiate to be kept alive, he's been captured and about to be cooked, unlike before he again is the central drive, his characteristics are more satirical and allot more miserable which I'm sure many agree, is perfect for me. As I'm writing this I'm piecing together a more up-to-date script and the only set back i'm having is in regards too the end, typical. What you may have noticed is that Piper now talks, up until this point, no one spoke, so it's interesting to start and play around with lip syncing, especially considering Dragon Stop Motion makes the whole situation of syncing movement surprisingly easy. 

What I have in mind, is that Piper is quite well spoken, I think it works well, since he's miserable, I just made him say the only thing which made sense, "I Hate You", I recorded myself, lined it up and gave it a bash, fun? Definitely. 

Furthermore, would you believe that I'm going back to the old Humpty Dumpty Idea? A second short, nothing much, but it's something, what's more, I'm thinking about going back to my 3D module as well, this is all very ambitious so I'm still hesitant as to whether or not I can do it all, especially after my last run in with 3D, it wasn't too pretty, though since then I forgot the majority of things so I downloaded a model just to practice with, it would make sense just to use it but what would I gain out of it? Nothing.
I've been mainly experimenting with making
clothes and exaggerating body types.
I'm contemplating on either a design like this, or a homage to the Playstation 1 era, either way I'm hoping I can get it done, mainly so I have some knowledge under my belt about 3D design, it's therapeutic making model's, at least to me, you can really just go for it and the problem solving aspect is resolved in one way or another... Usually another. 

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