
Water Which Is Too Pure Has No Fish

Due to the fact I work better at home, I've managed to conjure up allot of work today, backgrounds, something which I tend to be terrible with, are actually coming along all right, again, nothing amazing but I'm gradually learning and getting there and although unfinished, the idea of what they represent is noticeable.

This first establishing scene has so far been my favourite piece to work on, purple rock formations and detail really remind me of the work of Doug Tennapel for some bizarre reason, though Tennapel himself is an animator and illustrator whose work I greatly admire. The UFO is a nod to the work of a very good friend of mine, check out her blog! http://ingrid-daisy.blogspot.co.uk/ 

I'm in two mind frames as to whether or not I'll leave this the way it is, chances are I'll add a small amount of detail to tops of each tree set and have the detail dimmer the further down it goes, what I quite like here is that the tree's seem to represent their own land scape of mountainous regions, I'll throw in a few subliminal messages later on... Maybes. 

It all descends into this... This... Mess... This is how the last two images originally started out, blocky, ugly arrangements like this, but getting into the finer detail of it all is unbelievably cathartic, some nice music and left to your own experimentation, thing is, I just hate it how I'm not always in the mood for stuff like this.

So with all of these pieces, how does it meld together? Well, although it's all nowhere near finished, it will look round about something like this...

This will all be imported into Adobe After Effects, looking at it, I'll make the black transition slightly longer,  just to emphasise a sense of descent, but so far I'm happy and I plan on adding more to the scene, mainly to give it life... It should hopefully pay off... Hopefully.

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