
When In Danger Or In Doubt, Run In Circles, Scream And Shout!

Happy Mothers Day! Don't know about you but I made my Mam cry with the sweetest words ever conceived... "Fuck you". In all seriousness though I did near that pinnacle of making my Mother cry by telling her how much I think of her, next year... She'll fall into cardiac arrest due to upset, that's the goal.

So what about today? Well, I pursued in trying to produce some backgrounds for my animation, more detailed and less Chuck Jones, more ME so to say, now backgrounds are something I haven't had allot of experience with so the final outcome wasn't anything outstanding but it's a start, and I think i'm getting there slowly, but surely.

This first attempt was abysmal, I don't know what I was after, the line work and detail were especially horrendous, so I scrapped it, it was ugly to look at and honestly, I knew I could do better. 

So I gave it another shot, I think this is all right, nothing amazing but a start, I'd like to try and get the backgrounds all like this so that the line work and backgrounds well and truly contrast each other unlike before where, let's be honest, it looked a mess.
Speaking of line work, I did another line test, I enjoyed it too! There are some issues I have to fix up, detail isn't consistent, mouth movement can be cut down which will help but the more I do these little video's the more I realise I get more enjoyment out of a simpler premise, I want Piper to carry the story but I'm still baffled as to how it'll conclude, like I think I've said, I want this to be a singular character arc, nothing more, once the animation's done, its over and I'll never re-use the character's, it's not much of an issue...

But it is to me...

Furthermore, I realise that the sound is a bit... Shoddy, if I can, I'd like to get ahold of an actual recording Microphone, they're about £100 but it just means I can get clarity without much noise or "wind". Also! For those interested, I've started back tracking through my blog, making adjustments, adding things, it's getting there, it's by no means professional, but it's not meant to be, it's here to be enjoyed and gazed upon, sure I had to make it for college but I've got a relatively high view count so even if it's just a few people skimming through, its at least something. 

What people don't realise is, is that with a blog, you're one of a thousand bottles in the ocean, and if you're lucky, someone'll pick you up and you'll get those 5 seconds of fame you lavish over.

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