
Experience Is What You Get When You Don't Get What You Want.

So despite the fact that I'm slowly easing in and out of blog posts, I like to keep using quotes as my header's, just adds a nice bit of personal flair I think to an otherwise bland blog. Though truthfully, it's a quote I've come to love since it expresses allot of what I experience (I wonder if you can guess where this is leading too), fact of the matter is, from day 1 I've never been totally content with my idea, I have a bizarre view on work and prefer singular story arcs which are established and resolved and that's certainly something I want to have established with my character's, I've constantly been back and forth between idea's and it's not because I'm indecisive, it's that I always see fault with my work and how it could be improved, in a way it's a blessing and a curse in the sense that yes, I'm always out to strive for the best result but that project rarely ever see's the light of day.

So, what am I getting at exactly?

Well, I've decided to just tell the story differently, change a couple of bits and bobs but make the project more personal, what I found with my old work was that it just wasn't ME, I was trying to pursue a standard of work which didn't suit my creative expression and I know that sounds completely and totally smarmy but when you finish a piece of work, sit back after a week and go back to it with fresh eyes and instead of looking forward to pursuing it, dread it and see it as shit, well... There's a problem.

My new approach consists of shortening the script, making less work for myself but making it short, simple and easy to follow and honestly, that bit more sadistic. In conjunction to this I'm also hoping to get some old projects off the ground and done, nothing big or fancy, simple and straight forward, such as the 2.5D Humpty Dumpty Animation... I'd also REALLY like to get a 3D piece done if possible since it's not my strong point but I'll just see how it all pans out.

I'll have to throw onto the blog sooner or later, I keep meaning to back track, I really want to fix this blog, it's just horrendous. Me and my fancy words.

So, I have until May 11th to get everything sorted... Am I ready?

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