
On the train...

You ever had it when you're just on the train, minding your own business... Then BAM! You look in one direction and see a cretinous being staring at you... It happened... And this was my response.

...Anyone who knows me will probably know I just wanted an excuse to use this GIF... It's brilliant. 

Anyways, I'm on a roll with writing work so I'm just going to get back to it. Not much more to do now, happy days! I have quite allot of idea's spiralling around in my head but the perfectionist side of me always sees fault in my idea's which is why, for the most part, allot of them never take off... It's annoying to be blunt, maybes I should, for once, drop the restraints and just go for a totally balls to the walls idea and produce it, maybes next Summer, I will, see how it goes till then though.

And again... Another Yeti update... I'm growing tired of these so I might just knock it on the head soon, that said it keeps me coming back to my Blog ssooo it works both ways. 

Just to add a bit more, last night Photoshop crashed on me! It would load up but would crash when I tried to open up a new file! I was absolutely gutted! I tried to sort it out by the usual methods, restart, shut down then turn on, cross fingers, pray... None of it worked... It was as simple as installing a few new drivers and my god, it felt good... Sad thing was, it bastardised my early nights sleep...

Might want to click this bro!

...But in this world, there is no sleep, not when success is to be man-grabbed and wrestled to the ground!!

1 comment:

  1. Loving your yeti design, rocking the kilt! And I feel your photoshop pain- same thing happened to me the other night with illustrator!
