
Updating since I not doing much at this hour...

Right! Been a while since my last update. I'm constantly working and getting side tracked with other things. I'm putting time aside today to focus primarily on getting AD203 done and dusted, all the paper work is done, I just need to knock up a couple of backgrounds, images, colour them up and ta-da, character sheets done, I know how to do it, and since I don't have to write paragraph after paragraph on the development of Snorre and Magnus since I covered everything whilst talking about Piper which saves so much time, that doesn't mean to say I'm not documenting it, I've documented everything and it's racked up a nice amount of pages, i'm not saying how much... I'm too paranoid too let others know about my work scheme...

God that's sad...

Anyways! You're probably thinking, "who the hell is Piper, Snorre and Magnus?" My character's in my animation, yes this is a relatively BIG update so I'd prefer not to dilly dally!

This first fella, Piper, is the main character, a Rat and a cowardly one at that. His design was influenced by the fantastic Peter De Seve whose famous for his work on Ice Age, mainly for the design of the beloved and the character of Piper holds similarities to Scrat, this DOES become less apparent so rest assured I'm not that big a rip off artist. 

This bandaged brute is Snorre the Unruly One, a barbaric man who is actually based off of my Father, fuelled by a short temper and irate mannerisms with an instinct to survive, he's a natural predator who, like Tarzan, has adapted to the world he's grown up walking upon. 

This colossal mass stands 25 foot high, Magnus' purpose has long been forgotten, the laws of robotics may or may not be apparent within its CPU and time has manifested upon his exterior. Is it a machine built in a time where human's were a prosperous race? If so, why is Snorre so barbaric? Or is Magnus a machine who has become self aware and can fathom the foundation of life and base its entire existence upon how life plays out instead of following order's? No one really knows... The story of Magnus and the world these three character's reside in is a mystery and one for the viewer to solve. 

Now, when I drew out these initial concepts one thing struck, "these are TOO complex to animate, I NEED to simplify the designs" So I did... 

This is how Piper turned out, much bolder in colour and easy on the eye, fur is only apparent in certain area's, much like Tom and Jerry or in particular, Wile E Coyote. 

Snorre went through the biggest change, his design was dropped down in quality to a very basic design
 however, it was easy to achieve since I had the detailed character's already drawn so it was a simple case of backtracking and drawing out key features. What you'll notice with all the drawing's is that they stick to two tones of colour, anymore and it just becomes over bearing, light and shadow is all you need, to be overly ambitious with this would, lets be honest, suicide. 
Magnus was kept more or less the same, since i'm going for an Iron Giant approach whereby the 3D keeps in theme with the colour tones and what not, so it looks 2D even though it's 3D... I'm basically copying. Thing is, working with rock is a breeze with modelling, rock formations don't have a common structure so it's pointless going into a horrendous amount of detail, so it's as smooth as diarrhoea my pretties... 

So then, that's not all, I've been busy doing line tests lately, some of which work better than others, the use of traditional 2D animation is one I love and find a fantastic medium to work with, I find it fun, relaxing and therapeutic, it's a medium in which you constantly progress at...

God that sounds sad...

Anyways, here are some examples of the animation line tests I've been working on, they're BAD but i've been going after for a feel of how character's, primarily Piper, will move. 

That's all for now my lovely's! 

1 comment:

  1. the second versions are defiantly better nice work the stone guy especially is great
