

This week and in the coming weeks I've decided not to go into college as much, truth is, I just don't get as much work as I need to and I work really well at home since it's a small studio with an all inclusive, mini-fridge filled with Irn-Bru and energy drinks, mainly Monster and those other cheap one's that cost about 30p, anyways I'm off topic... Thing is I'm ahead, really ahead but still I'm worrying because i'm on such a roll with things that the very thought of ANYTHING jeopardising my work is downright worrying! As I write this i'm finishing up my first draft of the script which so far is 18 or so pages long, that includes everything, it's probably crap but I don't think i'll hand in the whole document, maybes what's manditory, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense handing in the script when A) it's not being asked for yet and B) certain tweaks need to be made to achieve either a better script or easier work flow. I have a rough set of storyboards... I mean really rough so if I have time I might digitally redo them, not with colour though, not yet, that said there may be certain tweaks I want to make here and there with the script so I feel it'll be best to just leave it rough until the script is totally finalised... See how it goes. I've got just under a month to sort everything out, i'm a tad worried but it's all achievable.

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