
What a headache...

A little update, I really do want to update my blog more often, if anything it's a stronger foot into the industry than say Twitter or Facebook, going to shut down my facebook, mainly because I just can't be bothered with the constant moaning and moping of people. They think they have it bad because their boyfriend or girlfriend won't put out or that such and such is a bitch because she did this or he did that, it's a load of wank stained underwear and it's doing my head in, not only that but Facebook is the god of ALL procrastination so honestly, I could do without it.

My Wacom's dead, great, couldn't of happened at a worse time and the whole self esteem issue of me and my work is just in a pathetic state of me feeling sorry for myself, it's just shit if anything. Sure, I'm ranting, but I think it's as good a way as any to express yourself, at least I don't go around, head held high carrying myself like a smarmy cu*t like most people within the art industry and to me that's one of the biggest problems you could have as an artist, not that I consider myself one but the moment you have an ego about yourself is the moment you stop improving. I can honestly say that it's rare when I like my work and I know that I'll probably never see what other people see in it because I always think that it could be better, i'm my own worst critic next to my mother and I'll never say that it's a wrong way of thinking, because at least then I stay grounded.

Rant over.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you should update this thing more often! Then I won't be the only saddo in the class anymore!

    Also utterly agree which that you said about artists and egos. They don't go hand in hand together at all. The best qualities an artist can have is humbleness and humility to see error in their work and constantly strive to improve.

    That said, it can be a curse sometimes.
