
Mighty Morphing Frogger Pod's and the Tempered, Flaring, Scorpio's.

Had to do a metamorphosis animation, basically a transition from A to B... So... I did a frog transforming into an Ipod... Or some sort of device.

Also my E-sting is complete, I know, I haven't updated in a while but things went sour near the end of the module, it was a slow spiral into desperation and what ended up happening was that I suffered a vast amount of migraines, I hadn't prioritised my work properly and ultimately that became my downfall. The E-sting, like the rest of my work, isn't near completion, there's allot I want to either add or change, as of yet I don't fully know what exactly, it's going to be a case of trial and error. To me the whole thing feels lacking, I don't know if it's due to character design, environment, both, I really do need to research and experiment more, my weakness wasn't so much being ambitious just not having a structured enough idea.

That said, I'm still quite pleased, the character of Scorpio was quite detailed and drawing him over and over again, though tedious at times had a decent pay off though it can still be MUCH better.

To end on a decent note, here is a picture I drew for a friend, she was showing me some of her old work and one piece stood out, I said if I could redraw it, she said yes and I got to work, thankfully she liked it. Actually, considering that it's Sonic related, you might remember that old Sonic idea, well I'm still all for doing that, maybes not as an animation, just a small motion comic, I've just been busy lately and haven't had time to fully commit myself to work outside of college.


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