
Tom and Jerry, Orange Bricks and Boxe's and another DVD player to boot.

I recently ordered the Tom and Jerry Collector's Box set, volumes 1-6, you can't complain at a £15 price tag for quite possibly some of the best animation you'll see with two of the most iconic character's to ever grace the television screen. What annoys me though is how some of the footage has been cut mainly due to the political incorrectness, any sort of racist insult has been cut, this includes the "black face" gag's and changing the voice of Tom's owner, was there REALLY any need to change it? Or is it too much of a risk to grace both young and old fan's of what Tom and Jerry is? That being a 1940/50's cartoon, by removing the offensive element's of Tom and Jerry only draws attention to those aspect's, it's a well grounded fact that because of it's time period, Tom and Jerry had racist aspects but did anyone complain? No. It was a cartoon and the time period was reflected in the work, as it is today, though I don't agree with racism, I don't find it necessary to tamper with a sublime piece of animation... That's my little rant over... Or is it?

Though looked down upon by allot of people, Dragonball is a series which I draw allot of influence from, it's a show I grew up watching and at times, still do. It pointed me in the direction I wanted to go in terms of career though it distracted me and I found myself drawing manga and anime and other forms of Eastern Animation more so than Western Animation, this, to some, isn't a problem and they'll be perfectly happy drawing anime and manga for years to come, for me however, it's a problem though that rant is for another day, what I want to quickly run over is the Dragonball Z Orange Bricks and the Dragonball Z Dragon Boxes, both depict Dragonball in its uncut entirety, both have English and Japanese audio, what they differ in is quality. The "Orange Brick Boxset" is, so I hear, region free and is tempting for it's price tag, what's off putting is Funimation's "remastering" process behind it, it's filtered to hell as to get rid of any film grain and scratches, what this does in contrast is also completely destroy the line work which if you're fussy, like me, ruins the experience. On the other hand the Dragon Boxes were remastered frame by frame, realigned and cleaned, it's more worth the price tag, it's downfall is that it's only for American based DVD player's... Great.

You would think that since there ARE multi-regional DVD player's, it would be somewhat of a normality... Obviously not.

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